Wetherby Lions 'Townsperson of the Year' 2021 - Norma Harrington

The Wetherby Lions 'Townsperson of the Year' was selected from a very deserving list of candidates at the start of 2021. The physical presentation of the award continues to be delayed due to lockdown but the Lions decided it was time to announce the winner.
It was a particularly tough decision due to the many people who deserved recognition during the pandemic but the selection committee, which included last year's Townsperson of the Year, came to the conclusion that Norma Harrington was an ideal choice.
Norma has lived in Wetherby since 2008 when she moved back to the area to take up her post as Governor of HMP Wealstun. Brought up as a Methodist she believes that service to the community should be a part of everyday life - which has resulted in being a trustee of WISE, a trustee of Wetherby Foodbank and a member of Wetherby Flower Club. In addition, Norma can regularly be seen giving her time in contributing to local projects in a practical way, helping with tree planting , litter picking and marshalling at the Health Centre Coronavirus vaccination clinic.
Lion President Tim Ritson said "We felt that it was appropriate to amend our selection criteria to take into account the exceptional circumstance we are all facing at the moment. As a local councillor she would normally not have been eligible for the Townsperson award but special consideration was given to her work outside normal council duties together with her coordinating role in bringing together local voluntary groups, churches and official agencies in Wetherby's response to the pandemic, thus making her a prime candidate."
Do you ant to make a positive contribution to your community? Please consider joining our grrrreat team where you will be warmly welcomed. For more information call us on 0345 833 9529 or email secretary.wetherbylions@gmail.com or contact us online here wetherbylions.org/contact
If you wish to help financially then you can donate here https://bit.ly/37FZQbF-Donate Thank you.
Need support? Lion members are always available to assist where appropriate and to support other local clubs, charities, individuals etc. Please visit www.wetherbylions.org to discover more of what we do and who we support.