Two Wetherby ladies win a first in Ohio!!
Aileen and Marise from Wetherby sang their hearts out to help The White Rosettes into the top 20 out of 35 choirs! year

The White Rosettes were honoured to be making history this year as the first ever chorus from the Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers (LABBS) to be invited to Barbershop Harmony Society's International Chorus contest. It took place in Cleveland, Ohio in July. Originally a solely male preserve, the BHS's convention contests now include mixed and female choruses and quartets. Although their net has now been thrown more widely, the contest is by invitation and all invited quartets and choruses have to reach a standard based on the BHS scoring/judging system.
The White Rosettes were delighted to reach the top 20 out of 35 choruses. Fifty-six singers had an amazing time performing, learning from open rehearsals and other events, and making so many friends in this new arena. We were so proud to be representing Yorkshire and the UK. A group of enthusiastic supporters came along with us, cheered loudly, waved union flags and even introduced the American audience to the LABBS tradition of welcoming The White Rosettes on stage with ‘On Ilkla Moor Baht 'at! We learned so much from this experience and will be able to share some of what we learned with the choruses who will now be able to follow our lead in future years.
Thank you, Lions, for your support.
Margaret Wharton – The White Rosettes
“Wetherby District Lions were delighted to be able to help – well done!!” Martin Doxey, Lions President