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‘Oh we do like to be beside the seaside…’

Dear Wetherby District Lions,

My friend is a single mum, she is disabled and lives in chronic pain and her daughter has autism. She couldn’t afford a holiday and needed a break as she was living with her mum and her dad and daughter until her council house was ready. I too am disabled and suffer chronic pain, I contacted Wetherby Lions and Garforth Lions (where Helen lived) and explained the situation and between them and thanks to Wetherby Lions they provided us with one week stay in Filey; in the Filey Lions caravan.

Along with funds towards travel and food and drink etc this was amazing, a dream come true for my friend so she could have her first holiday with her daughter away from her mum and dad. The week away was amazing, the caravan was brand new and beautiful inside, it was so cosy. It was also my birthday and the weather was absolutely beautiful. We walked to the beach, once as it was heaving and we had both been shielding! We had days out to Filey bird and animal gardens, sea life centre Scarborough, and spent every day exploring Filey, we had a lovely week, and we left a thank you card to say thank you for our stay. I cannot thank you all enough. I had a great birthday too. And Helen’s little girl had a great time.

Many thanks Claire Maxted Wiggins

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