Help for Bramham Community Christmas Lunch 2020

A big ‘THANK YOU!’ from Pete Dunn, Bramham Village Hall Committee
The Bramham Village Hall Committee were very grateful to all at Wetherby Lions for your generous donation towards our Community Christmas Lunch and Hamper.
Thanks to your support, and the help and kindness of local volunteers, residents, businesses, schoolchildren and organisations, we were able to bring some cheer to those among us who were facing Christmas on their own this year.
Our volunteers delivered ready meals and over 30 hampers in and around Bramham on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We were met with a lovely combination of gratitude, delight and surprise as well as many tales of times past. As promised, I have attached a few of photos of the hampers for you, but, understandably, recipients were less inclined to have their picture taken for social media.
The response just goes to show what being a community really should be about...a group of people that live in the same area who don't just know one another and feel they belong together; but actually care about each other.
The heartwarming messages of thanks we have been getting have been testament to how much this matters to people these days.
Wetherby District Lion members were pleased to support the above project and wish you all a Happy New Year ! !
Join our grrrreat team of Lions and help your local community, call 0345 833 9529 for more information !
