Apex Challenge

(Photo - Competitors cross the brook at Bramham Park)
Wetherby District Lions were pleased to support a large-scale Scout adventure event which took place at Bramham Park 7th – 9th October. The Apex Challenge saw 400 young people aged 14-18 descend on the estate for a weekend-long adventure competition.
During the competition they had to complete tough challenges such as canoeing, mountain biking, skill games and assault courses while competing against other teams from across the UK. There was also time to enjoy the entertainment with a live band playing late into Saturday night.
Wetherby Lions supported the event with a donation towards the hire cost of a marquee to make the event possible.
Event Director Matt Richards said, “We’re really grateful to Wetherby District Lions for their very kind support. It meant we could run this fantastic weekend for so many young people. After two years away due to Covid-19 restrictions, it has been great to be able to bring this event back for 2022. Thanks so much for your support.”
For more information and hundreds of photos from the event, visit www.apexchallenge.co.uk.
Want to make a positive contribution to your community? Please consider joining our grrrreat team where you will be warmly welcomed. For more information call us on 0345 833 9529 or email secretary.wetherbylions@gmail.com or contact us online here wetherbylions.org/contact
If you wish to help financially then you can donate here https://www.wetherbylions.org/donate Thank you.
Need support? Lion members are always available to assist where appropriate and to support other local clubs, charities, individuals etc. Please visit www.wetherbylions.org to discover more of what we do and who we support.