A winning recipe!!

(Photo - Lion President and Kian and the crew of the Pudding Lab receiving their 'Certificate of Appreciation')
Wetherby District Lions came up with the idea of a Jubilee Pudding and were joined enthusiastically by Wetherby High School, Morrison’s supermarkets and Printworks Ltd.
Then we thought, why not call on the expertise of the professionals? That’s what we did! Ashley and Kian of the Pudding Lab gave their time to talk to the pupils and pass on tips for ensuring a great pudding. Sixteen students spent hours producing their own ideas of a pudding fit for a Queen! On judging day, Ashley and Kian returned to the school and very professionally judged and rated each of the 16 puddings. We were all very grateful for their assistance! A great day!
The Lions have now been able to present the Pudding Lab with a 'Certificate of Appreciation' and the photo shows Lion president Tim Ritson with owner Kian and members of the crew. A big ‘thank you!’ to them!
Ashley and Kian will be bringing a team to November’s annual ‘Big Biz Quiz’ organised by Wetherby District Lions and Morrisons supermarkets.
Want to make a positive contribution to your community? Please consider joining our grrrreat team where you will be warmly welcomed. For more information call us on 0345 833 9529 or email secretary.wetherbylions@gmail.com or contact us online here wetherbylions.org/contact
If you wish to help financially then you can donate here https://www.wetherbylions.org/donate Thank you.
Need support? Lion members are always available to assist where appropriate and to support other local clubs, charities, individuals etc. Please visit www.wetherbylions.org to discover more of what we do and who we support.