Santa is coming to town.....

(Photo - Santa arriving in Wetherby soon)
The Wetherby Lions’ much-loved Santa’s Sleigh is coming out of 'ICE-solation' and is ready to bring some much-needed cheer to you all. However, due to COVID-19 restrictions this year, Santa will unfortunately be unable to stop and talk to the children. He does of course, still really enjoy seeing everyone, so he asks that you all stay inside and wave to him from your window or front door.
You can see Santa on the streets of Wetherby from Thursday 3rd December to see the specific dates and nightly locations <click here> You can also see exactly where Santa is each night between 6.00 pm - 8.00 pm on his tracker <click here>
Santa’s Elves will not be collecting donations on the outings. However you can still make online donations via the Wetherby Lions’ Virgin Money Giving page. <Donate here>
Santa will also be making an appearance at Morrisons Supermarket car park on the Saturdays of 12th and 19th December, again he will be 'socially distanced' however he will be pleased to see you to give a wave.
NOTE: Santa is subject to the travel restrictions in place as part of 'Lockdown 2', should these restrictions not be lifted or other limiting ones put in place, Santa will not travel on the planned visits. You can check the position on his news page <click here>
Like to join our 'grrrrrreat' team of Lions and make a positive contribution to your community? Then as a Lions Club member or volunteer, you can get involved in fundraising, organising projects, using your talents, gaining new skills, making friends and having fun!
Please contact us by telephoning 0345 833 9529, by completing the contact form on our website or sending an email to Likewise if you need help in any way with a local project, please get in touch.
We look forward to your continued support.