Wetherby Lion Receive Prestigious Honour

(Photo - Left to right - Lion President Tim and Lion John Wardley)
Lion John Wardley has been awarded the 'Melvin Jones Fellowship' for outstanding service to both the Lions International organisation and the community in which he operates.
The award is named after the founder of Lions Clubs, Melvin Jones and approved by the international Lions Headquarters in Illinois, USA. The recipient's name is entered onto a roll of honour held in the American central office.
Said Lion President Tim, "This is a well deserved recognition of the contribution that John has made to the people of Wetherby and the wider community of Yorkshire. He is one of those people who shuns the limelight and prefers to work away in the background, ensuring success for projects organised by the Lions and other groups with which the Lions are supporters. He has served the Lions for over 33 years taking on a number of senior roles in the Club, including Lion President in 1993/94, Health and Safety Officer and currently acting as Treasurer. It has taken a lot of arm twisting for him to allow me to mention his accomplishments but I consider his achievements worthy of greater acknowledgement.
Lion President Tim continued, "Projects where John has been a major force include the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride, which has raised nearly £3 million pounds for Yorkshire charities over three decades, Wetherby Christmas festivities including the Christmas Market and Santa's sleigh and the now defunct (due to his own health and safety concerns) the Wetherby Pram Race. In partnership with Yorkshire Electricity John was instrumental in the creation of the incredibly popular and well used 'Harland Way' cycle path between Wetherby and Spofforth which other cycling organisations have now developed to add further facilities enjoyed by both local Wetherby cyclists and many visitors. I look forward to many more productive years working alongside John and his like minded colleagues in the Lions; carrying out the motto of Lions International, We Serve".
If you would like to help your community we would love to hear from you so please contact us by telephoning 0345 833 9529, by completing the contact form on our website or sending an email to secretary.wetherbylions@gmail.com. Likewise if you need help in any way with a local project, please get in touch.
We look forward to your continued support.