Saving Lives
Support for Town's Defibrillator

(Photo - left to right - Revd Stroma McDermott. Vice-President Tim Ritson, Revd Brendan Giblin and Caretaker Cliff Tetlow)
Wetherby District Lions Club are delighted to have partnered St James Church to provide a defibrillator for the busy community hub at St James' Church Centre.
The Centre hosts many different community groups as well as church meetings and is regularly the venue for fetes and fairs. It is also situated on a popular 'cut -through' into the town centre.
The defibrillator is recognised by Yorkshire Ambulance Service and enables anyone who needs to use it to call for assistance and be talked through the vital process of giving immediate assistance to a heart attack victim, saving precious time before the emergency services can reach them and hopefully lives to 'tell the tale'. Recent statistics have shown that early use of a defibrillator combined with early access to specialist medical treatment can significantly improve survival rates in cardiac arrest - up to 70% in some cases.
If you know of any individuals or groups requiring help or advice please contact our Grants Committe Chair John Boulton on 0845 833 9529 or visit our website Lions are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things for our local community.
If you would like to get involved with Wetherby Lions then email the Secretary at or complete our form - click here and have some fun whilst supporting those who are less fortunate than yourself.
Looking forward to hearing from you.