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Have a 'quacking' time

(Photo - Left to Right Lion Peter, Lion Beryl and Lion Martin (Event Manager) selling tickets in the Market Place, Wetherby)

Wetherby Lions Duck Race 2018

The Duck Race is organised as a community event by Wetherby District Lions Club. The funds raised go to the Lions Charity Account which is used to support all sorts of local initiatives such as the play area equipment which will be constructed soon and the many youth projects (Brownies, Scouts and young Cricketers) in the area.

The Duck Race is held in conjunction with 'Wetherby Food Festival' and takes place on The Ings (next to the footbridge on King George’s Field) on Sunday 8 July 2018. The event starts at 11.00 am and tickets are available at £2 each. The first prize is £200 second prize is £100 and third prize £50.

The race is great fun and people can stand on the finish line to see the winning duck as it passes under the footbridge.

Tickets are available from us in the Market Place, Wetherby each Saturday and direct from Lion Martin by telephoning him on 07769 728 367.

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