All 'Packed' for Holiday !
More money to worthy causes - donation to 1st Tadcaster Brownies Pack

(Photo - Rear - left to right Lion President John Boulton, Lion Peter & Brown Owl Leader Bev
Front - lots of excited brownies)
It was with great pleasure that Wetherby District Lions were able to help the 1st Tadcaster Brownie Pack with their forthcoming annual pack holiday to Ripon and their summer trip to Sundown with their rainbow group with a donation of £675.00. Lion members met with the brownies recently to hand over the amount and were treated to some wonderful home made cakes and a cup of tea so we thank the brownies for their hospitality and wish them well with their exciting trips.
If you know of any individuals or groups requiring help or advice please contact our President John on 0845 833 9529 or visit our website Lions are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things for our local community.
If you would like to get involved with Wetherby Lions then email the Secretary at or complete our form - click here and have some fun whilst supporting those who are less fortunate than yourself.
Looking forward to hearing from you.