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We're on fire !

More money to worthy causes - donation to Wetherby Scouts

(Photo - Rear - left to right Lions Maurice,Chris, Scout Leader Karen Oakes & Lion President

John Boulton. Front - lots of excited scouts)

It was with great pleasure that Wetherby Lions recently gave a £1,049.00 to Wetherby St James Scout Group for new tents and fire pits. Wetherby St James Scouts are a vibrant group led by

Karen Oakes who have supported Lions events on numerous occasions including our 'Senior Citizens Party' in January.

If you know of any individuals or groups requiring help or advice please contact our President John on 0845 833 9529 or visit our website Lions are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things for our local community.

If you would like to get involved with Wetherby Lions then email the Secretary at or complete our form - click here and have some fun whilst supporting those who are less fortunate than yourself.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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