CLIC Happy !
More money to worthy causes - donation to CLIC Sargent
Following our ongoing relationship with Morrisons Supermarket Wetherby Lions recently supported the store by helping with a bucket collection for their chosen charity 'CLIC Sargent'.

(Photo - left to right Lions Chris & Tim, Jenny Dixon from CLIC Sargent and from Morrisons Community Champion Mark Hopkins & Duty Manager Elaine)
On Sunday 4th February an amazing £442.61p was collected thanks to the generosity of the Morrisons customers. In fact Lion members were so impressed with the charity that they also decided to match this amount from their own charity funds so another £442.61p to this amazing charity! Lion members look forward to future events with Morrisons.
Please remember if you would like to help us with fundraising events or would like support with any projects with which you are involved, please contact our President John on 0845 833 9529 or visit our website Lions are just ordinary people doing extraordinary things for our local community.
If you would like to get involved with Wetherby Lions then email the Secretary at or complete our form - click here and have some fun whilst supporting those who are less fortunate than yourself.
Looking forward to hearing from you.