Grant to Hollybank School
Visit to Hollybank School.....
The Hollybank Trust is a unique, multi-disciplinary community at Mirfield, West Yorkshire who offer quality educational and residential provision for over 100 children and adolescents with a myriad of physical, mental and emotional needs including providing for families from the Wetherby area.

(Photo - left to right Lions Ken & Chris, Harry,Julie, John from the fund raising team and Vicky a resident, Lions Beryle & LP John)
Well known to Wetherby District Lion members as a partner with the 'Great Yorkshire Bike Ride', they have recently identified a need for pre-school children and their families by creating a 'Little Pips Baby Project' for children from as young as six weeks old ! Although helped by local authorises with funding for this educational provision, Hollybank has gone further by also offering support to parents and other family members.
When Wetherby Lions were approached to see if we could help equip this new unit members agreed unanimously to get involved, being pleased to visit on Thursday 17th August 2017 with a surprise donation of £928 to buy a specialised wheelchair accessible sandpit and to provide horticultural and planting sessions in a poly-tunnel within the grounds.

(Photo - left to right Harry,Julie, resident Vicky, John from the fund raising team and
Lion President John)
We look forward to our ongoing relationship with Hollybank Trust and wish them well with their fundraising activities.
If you would like to get involved with Wetherby Lions then call our President John on 0845 833 9529 or email the Secretary at or complete our form - click here and have some fun whilst supporting those who are less fortunate than yourself.
Looking forward to hearing from you.