Wetherby Lions Unveiled

Commemorative Plaque Unveiling
We did not manage to get HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh to unveil our plaque, however thanks to the generosity of Mr Roberts, the Hotel Manager at The Bridge Hotel & Spa, Wetherby Lions have marked 50 years of operating a Lions Club in the Wetherby area by siting a commemorative plague on the wall of the hotel. Lion Members meet at the hotel on the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month commencing at 7.45 pm.
If you are interested in supporting the community whilst having fun at the same time, them please either call our President John on 0845 833 9529, email us at secretary.wetherbylions@gmail.com or use this form https://www.wetherbylions.org/contact to send to us.
Looking forward to hearing from you.