Celebration of new Charitable Status

Wetherby Lions are celebrating their change to their charitable status – to that of a ‘Charitable Incorporated Organisation’ (CIO) and had a cake made for the occasion.
Wetherby District Lions Club has been registered with the Charity Commission as a ‘Charitable Trust’ since August 2003, this has enabled the Club to claim Gift Aid monies from the government and to operate in many places that only recognises registered charities, ie Morrisons Supermarket, Leeds City Council property. One disadvantage of the Trust was that the Trustees were personally liable for any matters brought against the Trust and all contacts had to be signed in their personal names.
The CIO status does away with the disadvantages and frees up the Trustees from liability which should encourage more people to become Lion members and hold an office within the Club.
Club members look forward to many more members spending their time raising moniey for local deserving people whilst having fun themselves.