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Presentation to ABF The Soldiers’ Charity on Monday 18th May 2015

At our Club meeting on Monday 18th May at the Bridge Hotel & Spa we presented Elisabeth Baker (The West Yorkshire Region Committee Chairlady) with a cheque for £500. The photograph attached shows Lion president Malcolm Bolland making the presentation to Elisabeth. She went on to inform Club members the Charity’s role. She explained, “We are the Soldiers’ Charity (formerly the Army Benevolent Fund). We give lifetime support to serving and retired soldiers and their families. They risk so much for us, but for them, its just doing their job. In return, we provide financial assistance when in real need. That’s what we have been here to offer for 70 years.” She also added, “ We maintain a close relationship with the Royal British Legion, Help For Heroes and SSAFA (formerly Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association). In many instances we co-ordinate our response for help to serving and ex-service personnel alike.”

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