
Happy Birthday Wetherby Lions !
Lions Clubs International celebrated its centenary in 2017, and on Saturday Wetherby Lions Club celebrated being a mere youngster by...

Website Achievement Award
(Photo - Lion President John Boulton presents the trophy shield to Webmaster John Wardley) Wetherby Lions Win Best Lions Website in...

A 'Right Royal' Party
(Photo - Tim Ritson with his Buckingham Palace Invitation) Buckingham Palace Celebration for Wetherby Lions The association of Lions Club...

Another 'Roaring Success' for Wetherby Lions
(Photo - left to right Lion Julie Wood and Lion President John Boulton ) New Lion Julie Lion President John Boulton takes one of the...

Lion Kingdom Grows - Another Member for Wetherby Lions
(Photo - left to right Membership Chair Chris Atkinson, Lion Ken Campbell, and Lion President John Boulton) New Lion Ken Lion President...

A 'Roaring Success' for Wetherby Lions
New Lion Lesley Lion President John Boulton takes one of the latest recruits through the Lionistic investiture ceremony. Lion Lesley,...

Lions Remember
Photo - Lion Ken on the right with wreath Laying of Wreath at RBL Remembrance Service Wetherby Lions members were proud through Lion Ken...

Surprise - Surprise ! !
Photo left to right - Fiona Knapton, Lion Maurice, Julie Bucknell, Lions Martin, John H , John B, Rob Gray and finally Lions Tim and John...

Lionhearts of Gold Come to Tadcaster
Article in Tadcaster Echo - October 2017

Another New Lion in Wetherby
New Lion Tim Lion President John Boulton takes the latest recruit through the Lionistic investiture ceremony. Now Lion Tim, commented ...