
Lions add extra ‘byte’ to lessons!
(Photo left to right - Lion Ken Campbell and Samantha Jefferson, Head of the School) Wetherby District Lions, with the assistance of the...

Wetherby Lions support Young Enterprise Award - ‘bee friendly’ garden !
(Photo - Products of the development) Wetherby High School Young Enterprise students successfully developed a starter package aimed at...

Great Yorkshire Bike Ride – Postponed until 19th June 2021
(Photo - GYBR riders at a quiet country junction) Unfortunately due to the coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak the Great Yorkshire Bike Ride...

Wetherby Lions Thank Optimum Vehicles
(Photo - Lion President Tim with Paul Sanderson of Optimum Vehicles and Lion Ken Campbell) Lion President Tim Ritson and Lion Ken...

Website Achievement Award-Fourth Time !
(Photo - Webmaster Lion John Wardley holding the 'Best Website' shield) Wetherby Lions Win Best Lions Website in the North of England and...

Christmas returned in January !
(Photo - Guests enjoying the Bingo before eating their three course meal) They were dancing in the aisles as Christmas made a welcome...

Wetherby Lion Receive Prestigious Honour
(Photo - Left to right - Lion President Tim and Lion John Wardley) Lion John Wardley has been awarded the 'Melvin Jones Fellowship' for...

Community Leaders Help Santa
(Photo - Left to right - Santa and his Reindeer) Lion members are delighted to announce that Wetherby Ward members have secured Santa’s...

Wetherby Lions Receive Prestigious Visitor
(Photo - Left to right - District Governor Andrew Kerr Sutherland and Lion President Tim Wetherby Lions were privileged to receive a...

Wetherby Lions now ‘tread’ Safely
(Photo - Similar trailer to that of Wetherby Lions fundraising trailer) Thanks to Danny at Carr's Tyres at Thorp Arch for fitting the new...