
Lions on the slide ?
No - we are in great health and given half a chance we would be on all of the equipment!! Last year Wetherby District Lions supported...

Townsperson of the Year unmasked......but still socially distanced!
Tim Ritson, President of Wetherby and District Lions presents the Townsperson of the year Award Councillor Norma Harrington! Despite the...

You can help the Lions with a smile ! !
How? Simply shop via and donate to Wetherby District Lions Club at the same time. Same products, same prices, same...

Lions and Rudolf in harness to support community charity!
Adrian Woods MBE (pictured) Operations Manager and founder of ‘OnTrak’ young people’s charity. Wetherby and District Lions are pleased to...

Lions branching out!
Wetherby District Lions are pleased to have been able to support tree planting in Boston Spa. Spokesman for the group which has...