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Join Us

Wetherby Lions invite you to become ‘part of the pride’, become more aware of the needs of our community and work with like-minded people to make a difference.  Having a hands-on role in the community creates the fun and friendship that really encapsulates the spirit of being a Lion.
You probably know the Lions from their grrrrreat activities around the area!  Drovers’ Day; our famous 'Dickensian Christmas Market & Craft Fayre'; the sleigh rides round Wetherby to bring some Christmas cheer….and to knock on your door!  The senior citizens’ Midwinter Party; our annual ‘Big Biz Quiz’; this year’s Fashion Show and our other activities that contribute to fostering a community spirit.

Our day job, however, is helping others in our local communities in and around Wetherby – Tadcaster; Clifford; Bramham; Boston Spa; Collingham; East Keswick; Bardsey and Scarcroft !

We organise events and enjoy the support of the community and many local businesses to raise funds.  We use these funds, along with other donations, to help individuals and groups of all ages and other small charities in accordance with our grants criteria. We also, at times, support international causes determined by the international nature of the Lions organisation.

Lions can respond quickly to different situations and can assist where others may be unable to.

We cannot do everything but we will always do our best to help! 

Club members are ordinary folk who are prepared to spend a little bit of their time helping others and having a bit of fun in the process.  They give their time to run events that raise money to help those less fortunate than themselves whilst enjoying fun and fellowship.  They meet regularly to plan their fundraising and social events and to agree which of the many requests for help they receive are most worthy of support from the limited funds they have available.
People become Lions for many and varied reasons.  For some it is the wish to put something back in to the community, for others it’s the desire to make a difference.  Whatever your motivation for wanting to join Lions we would love to hear from you.  There is no minimum time commitment required from members, but we all try our best to work our commitment to Lions around the demands of our family and work lives.  Take a few minutes to read about all the projects we get involved with; have a look here.

If you are interested in finding out more about Wetherby District Lions Club please telephone 0345 8339529 or click below and see how you can become a member or supporting volunteer of an organisation proud to have served its community since 1966.
‘Ordinary people doing amazing things   -   Our volunteers are not paid …………not because they are worthless but because they are priceless'

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